Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010

Gary's Journey ended today, August 16 at 2:13pm, with his family by his side.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thank You

Well, it has been a rough week for Dad and all of us. As some of you know, I was called home Tuesday night from band camp and we have been here with Dad since. We have been blessed, as has Dad, to have his family here to see him as well as many friends. We are awaiting for him to return home, as I know he is!

It has been a hard week on all of us, knowing that we had to say goodbye. But, we know he is needed on the other side and is anxious to get going and get some work done!

He is the most amazing man I know. He has taught me, and many others, what is important in this life. Most of us know that one of Dad's #1 loves is the scriptures. He has taught so many from that book and has taught us to love it.

Dad, you have been a valiant and loyal servant to our Heavenly Father. He loves you as we do.

Matthew 25:21 "His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy lord."

Thank you to everyone for all your love and support through this time. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.
Much love,

Friday, August 6, 2010

So, my mom took this picture tonight of Dad and Bree. I guess this shows Dad's current state. He is declining fast again - I guess the nurses had to help him eat breakfast this morning. When my mom got there after lunch, his lunch was just sitting there uneaten. I feel so bad for him.

I think the honest truth right now is that I have taken a mental vacation. Last year when this all started I had to be so strong for my mom and dad - and now, I can't deal with it! I don't know what happened from then to now, but I can't watch my dad suffer like this! It's unbearable. At least my kids have been strong and have had faith through it all.

I need to figure out what to do or I may have regrets for the rest of my life. Believe me, I have many of those too. But, I love him more than anything and am just struggling with seeing him like this.

I have band camp next week - maybe by the time I get back I can begin to deal with things again...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekly Update

I had guard camp all last week, so didn't get to see Dad - what a long week. He has another infection and is not doing well at all.

Still sleeping a lot and is starting to miss meals. Hopefully now they have him on medicine to clear up the infection, he will start to feel a little better.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Weekly Update

Dad has been sleeping more and more the past little while. Everytime I go, he is sleeping and it is next to impossible to wake him.

Mom and I met with Hospice on Friday - they were very nice and hopefully can help to make Dad comfortable and happy in what seems to be the last little bit of his life.

We love Dad so much and wish things were different. We will hold on to him dearly for all the time we have left with him.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update from Karen

I am so grateful to Tiffany for keeping all of you updated. Gary has certainly lost a lot of ground over the past year. Last night when I spoke to him he said he was in a disciplinary council with his clerks. This is just a sample of what he is going through. He has traveled in his mind all over the United States. It should be very fun for him, but instead it is frightening. He feels like people are trying to hurt him or he is trying to hurt people. This disease is dreadful. When Gary's mind is somewhat clear he just looks at me with the saddest eyes. He knows something is wrong but doesn't know what to do about it. He is becoming more confused. The other night he couldn't remember how to get to the dining room. He sleeps a lot of the time. I find him that way almost every time I go now. Don't be afraid to wake him up if you visit. Nine times out of ten he won't remember who was there. Many times I just sit in the chair and rock while he sleeps.

This is certainly not the way we expected to spend the "Golden Years" together. Life seems to
throw us many curves, but I can only hope Heavenly Father will watch over him and help both of us endure to the end.

Love to you all - especially for your concern for Gary. It has not gone unnoticed by all of us.

So Sorry!

Well, I must apologize for my lack of posts lately! I think I have taken a mental vacation - wish I had gone somewhere fun...

Dad has slowly been declining the past few months. It sure is hard to watch - again. It seems we have been through this last year at the other nursing home. It's hard to know what will happen next - if he'll keep getting worse, or if things will start to look up a little.

He has started going in other peoples rooms thinking it's his - I think he goes for walks around the nursing home and forgets where he is. He called me the other night really upset because he thought I was lying to him about something (I couldn't figure out what it was). It's so hard to see him like this - it doesn't seem to get any easier for us!

Mom wanted to try and get him out so we took him to lunch on Saturday to his favorite place. He didn't talk much - even though we tried to get him to. He also seemed so unsteady - even with his walker.

Anyways, thanks for your continued support and patience with me. I will try to be better with the updates!