Friday, August 28, 2009

Long Update

Well, here is the past 2 1/2 weeks in a nutshell:
On Saturday, August 8th we took my dad to the AF Hospital emergency room - the day before he was just acting funny and not making a lot of sense. He was having a hard time remembering things. Friday night he got up at 2am and was ready for work. My mom was scared and called Dusty and I over Saturday morning. We decided to take him to the ER - much to his pleas of NO!
Well, they did some blood work and a CT scan and sent him home. I went over Sunday with them and he seemed ok, still a little off.
Monday morning my mom took him in for an MRI with his neurologist. They sent him home. The doctor called my mom later that night and said they hadn't found anything. Well, that night things fell apart. My dad was up all night and wasn't making any sense at all. So, the next morning Dusty and my mom took him to Utah Valley Regional Hospital where the admitted him. Well, he spent 2 weeks there - and, they basically found nothing. During the 2 weeks they ran just about every test - CTs, MRIs, spinal tabs, EKGs, EEGs - still nothing. But, he was going down hill fast. At first he was still able to get up and walk around - he was just talking crazy. But, after the first 3 or 4 days, he went into almost a coma. He wasn't moving or talking. This past Monday, he started talking again, but it's very hard to understand him because he mumbles and still doesn't make sense. It's almost like he has Alzheimer's - but, the doctors don't think that's it because it came on to fast.
Well, Tuesday Dr. Call talked with me and my mom and thought that my dad was possibly having seizures - so, he wanted to move him to Intermountain Medical Center where they have more equipment to monitor him longer. So, Wednesday we moved him up to Murray. Well, we basically feel like we are back to square one. The doctors there don't believe he's having seizures, so they are running some of the same tests as before. VERY FRUSTRATING! We are so discouraged right now because we feel like we have lost him and we don't understand why???
That is where we are right now. I will post every day the latest update (if there is any). Please feel free to check back anytime. We love you all and appreciate all the prayers on behalf of our dad. We are just ready for him to come back to us!


  1. Tiff...
    What a GREAT idea! This will be a good place to write down your thoughts and emotions. I will be a wonderful journey of what your family is going through, and let everyone else have a peek into it as well. Everyone wants to support you!!

    I got a little teary when I read what you wrote about being ready for him to come back to you. After visiting him at the hospital and seeing him firsthand, I totally understand it. He's just not there.

    Know that I love you and am so sorry that your family is going through this, especially without any answers. I'm still convinced, though, that answers will come!!

  2. Karen & Family:

    We love you and are praying for Gary and your family. We are hoping they find something quickly and you can both come home to us!

    All our love, Alan & Kim Taylor

  3. We are thrilled that you started this blog, so that we can keep up on his prognosis. Your family is in our daily prayers and we know that not having answers is the most difficult. Thanks for being such a great family, we want you to know that you are truly loved by many and that we would love to help with whatever and whenever! Even if it's a coke!!
    Boomer, Marnie, and family

  4. Karen, Tiff and Family~ Thanks for sharing this information by blog, at such a difficult time. We so, agree with the Taylor's and Whittaker's... if you need anything, anytime please don't hesitate to call.Our hearts ache for all you. We're so grateful, for all your love & strength in our lives. If there is anything we can do, please let us know. Your in our thoughts & prayers.
    We love you guys! Ken, Teena, Kyle Chadwick

  5. Thank you for making it possible for us all to follow what's happening with Gary. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
    Karl, Teena and Cal Rasmussen

  6. I think the blog is a wonderful way to keep everyone updated. We are praying for your family!

    Hugs & Prayers,
    Matthew & Christina Davis

  7. Tiffany, I can't even imagine! You are so strong and amazing! So is your mom and dad. I have been so worried about you. I can seriously take your kids any time I am not at work like after or on the weekends. I would love to help you or if there is anthing that you can think of that will help let me know.

  8. Thank you for doing this. I'm sure it's not easy to write these things down and no words can sum up the sadness and helplessness you must feel. I loved seeing you the other day. It put life in perspective. Your mom is amazing.

    Love, Millie

  9. We are praying for Gary and for your family. We think of him daily and wish with all our hearts that we will be well again and home soon. Thank you keeping us all informed during a very difficult time.

    Much love, Dee & Marianne Loose and family

  10. Thank you so much for sharing these things with us. Our family and our ward family loves you so much! This will be wonderful to be able to read updates on Gary. He will continue to be in our prayers, as well as your whole family. Please know we are always here for you!
    James and Joanie Rich and family

  11. Good luck Tiffany and family. We will be praying for you and your dad. Hopefully you will be able to get some answers soon.

  12. I understand how you feel. My dad has acted funny and stopped talking. He went into a coma like state where he wouldn't talk but he was awake some of the time but non responsive in anyway. It is scary and we do know that it was cause by a head injury when we was in a car accident in '82. So I do know that not having any idea what is going on has to be tough. Once he recovered from the accident there have been two episodes where it has happened again. He was actually in the hospital last Christmas due to another episode. We will keep you family in our prayers.

    Kristina Hathaway

  13. Tiff, your family is in our thoughts and prayers! Please tell your mom and dad hello and that we love them.

  14. What a kind & generous way for you to share your sweet dad with all of us! Your parents have been such a strength in our ward over the past several years. The great thing about them is that they are both so "real" & for that they are very much loved!
    Please know that our hearts grieve with you as you face this frustrating & heartbreaking experience. Understand also that prayers are offered daily to allow answers to come to the doctors caring for your dad, & for your family to feel peace.
    Tiffany, I think it's very wise for you to express your thoughts & feelings through this blog as it provides a much needed release in facing this challenge. It's our hope that you will find additional strength in the love & respect we all have for your family.

    Much Love,

    David & Kathy King Family

  15. Oh, Tiff I'm so sorry. You guys are in our prayers!!
