Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday Update

Well, Dad is about the same today as he was yesterday - not much change. He has been more awake, and today he was able to sit in a chair (something he hasn't done for almost 2 weeks). The nurse was concerned about his feeding tube - he thought it was clogged and that they might have to put a new one in (which I know HURTS), but he was able to get the clog out so that's good. I don't think dad's had real food for 2 weeks either! We talked with the doctor yesterday and still no update. Dad is still very confused. The doctor told my mom today that they feel like they have a lead on what's wrong, but don't want to discuss it with us until they know for sure. I guess they know how frustrated we are with "wrong" assumptions!

I cannot begin to tell you all how grateful we are for your love and concern. As my mom read all the comments left from yesterday, tears ran down her face. I am convinced that she has the BEST ward in the world - and I have the BEST friends!!! I hope you all know how much we love you. THANK YOU.


  1. Rupp Family,
    We wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and you are in our prayers. Let uncle Gary know that we love him and that we are thankful for his good example, and he is in our prayers.

    Jason and Andrea Barney family.

  2. Dear Rupp Family,

    Thank you for this updated information, we have been so concerned and have not known details of the situation. As we read your information neither do you. We are so concerned with each of you; you are in our thoughts and prayers. If there is ANYTHING we can do, we are ready to help in any way.

    What great folks you are and great examples you have provided. We will continue to monitor status, and truly wish the very best outcome possible.

    Love, the Riddle Family

  3. Even though it may not seem like much to anyone, the fact that he was more awake and sitting up is better than what he has been doing. That's encouraging!

    I'm actually glad the doctors aren't saying much. I think they are smart to wait. All of the previous doctors have gotten hopes and worries up all at the same time.

    I sure do love you and your mom!! You are all in my prayers.

  4. Rupp Family:

    Tiffany, I am glad you were able to create this site to keep us all informed of Gary's status. There were some many times Leigha and I wanted to just drop in to the Hospital since we both work in Provo just to see how Gary (and of course you all) was doing.

    I am holding out hope that there will be new advancements made in his diagnosis in his new location (with a fresh set of doctors). It is so odd that all of this has come about so rapidly.

    We love you all dearly and want you to know that we are thinking and praying for you and our great Uncle Gary and Aunt Karen. Please let us know if we can help out with your children also as we live so close. In other words, don't hesitate to call!

    Love - Brandon & Leigha Rodak Family (and Melody, Haleigh, and Dawson)

  5. Rupp Family
    I was happy to hear that Brother Rupp was sitting up today. I came to visit him a few times while he was at Utah Valley. He was never awake and as I talked with the nurses they said he was not doing to well. Brother Rupp is a wonderful person, he is my current home teacher and I miss seeing him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Angie Toone

  6. We were saddened by the news of Uncle Gary's worsening health. What a great exmaple of faith and love he has been to all of us. Know that we love you, Karen, Heidi, and Tiffany and your families and that our thoughts and prayers are with you and this giant of a man. We know that the Lord is watching over you and will help you through this difficult time.
    Tyler and Kristen Barney and family

  7. We wanted you to know that we are thinking of all of you and Uncle Gary at this time. Please tell him we love him. You are all in our prayers,

    Amy and David Huynh
