Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend Update

Dad had a pretty good weekend. We spent quite a bit of time with him yesterday, and he was in a pretty good mood. We took him outside for a while, which I hope he enjoyed. I think the sun was bothering him, but I'm sure it was good for him to get some fresh air! I've also been working on his life history, and he was able to remember quite a lot yesterday.
We are hoping to get dad moved down here this week. It will be great to have him close by! It will sure make it easier to see him everyday.
Anyways, more tomorrow.


  1. Hi Tiff, thanks for posting. We check in all the time. It is so good that he has you to visit him so often. What is the average day for him like? Is he able to eat better now, I know for a while he had a feeding tube. Can he stand up, or get in his wheelchair on his own? In general, does he remember who people are now? Is he able to talk, or carry on a conversation? Sorry about all the questions, just wondering if the basic stuff is improving or not.

  2. Hi Tiff & Karen,
    I, like Jenny, have wondered the same things. But what ever you choose to post is nice to read. He sure is looking thinner. I'm sure that helps in his ability to get around, it's got to be easier on his knees. Any way, thanks for letting us know how he's doing and for the photos. We're still keeping him and all of you in our hearts and prayers.
    Teena R
